Read about Bald Eagle recovery

Reporter Kyle Bagenstose wrote a nice piece about the recovery of Bald Eagles in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. I was interviewed and quoted in the piece after being referred by a colleague at Rutgers. This allowed me to meet Kyle and hear about his cool plans for more conservation-oriented regional news stories. Good to hear about positive (or any) conservation stories in the news! Burlington County Times, Bucks County Courier.

Here’s an animation of the Bald Eagle recovery based on BBS data:

Bald Eagle.BBSindex_states_1966-2015.gif

USDA webinar about grassland birds

I recently had the opportunity to give a live-streamed webinar about my grassland bird research for the USDA Northeast Climate Hub. This was part of my participation in that organization’s new “Graduate Student Climate Adaptation Partners” program. I highly recommend grad students apply for this program if your research relates at all to the topics of climate and agriculture. It was a great group of people to interact with and a great resource to broaden my knowledge of the challenges posed by climate change. Check out the program here. The webinar was live streamed, and eventually will be viewable here: