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Published or in progress

Allen, M. C. (accepted). Winter roosting and agonistic interactions of Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) at old Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) nests. Wilson Journal of Ornithology.

Allen, M. C., Lockwood, J. L., Ibanez, R., Butler, J. D., Angle, J. C., Jaffe, B. D. (2024). eDNA offers opportunities for improved biodiversity monitoring within forest carbon markets. Communications Earth and Environment, 5, Article 801.

Green-Tkacenko, L., Allen, M. C., Lockwood, J. L. (2024). An ecological vulnerability index to assess impacts of offshore wind facilities on migratory songbirds. Journal of Applied Ecology,

Kyle, K. E., Allen, M. C., Siegert, N. W., Grabosky, J., Lockwood, J. L. (2024). Design of an eDNA sampling method for detection of an endophagous arthropod pest species. Neobiota, 95, 149-164.

Vastano, A. R., Allen, M. C., Penca, C. J., Stringham, O. C., Domingue, M. J., Lockwood, J. L. (2024). Can environmental DNA be used within pest insect agricultural biosecurity? Detecting khapra beetle within stored rice. Environmental DNA, 6(4), article e585.

Curley, S., Ramírez-Garofalo, J., Allen, M. C. (2024). Southern breeding populations drive declining migration distances in Arctic and subarctic geese. Ecography, 2024(8), article e07081.

Donlan, C. J., Eusse-González, D., Luque, G. M., Reiter, M. E., Ruiz-Gutierrez, V., Allen, M. C., Johnston-González, R., Robinson, O. J., Fernández, G., Palacios, E., & Valenzuela, J. (2024). An impact evaluation of conservation investments targeting long-distance migratory species. Conservation Biology, 38(3), article e14194.

Jensen, O. P., Vastano, A. R., Allen, M. C., Hernandez, M. F., Lockwood, J. L., Vasslides, J., & Weldon, O. (2024). Migratory passage and run size of American shad and river herring in the Raritan River, New Jersey, USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 153(3), 289-300.

Allen, M. C., Lockwood, J. L., Kwait, R., Vastano, A., Peterson, D., Tkacenko, L., Kisurin, A., Stringham, O., Angle, J., & Jaffe, B. D. (2023). Using surface environmental DNA to assess arthropod biodiversity within a forested ecosystem. Environmental DNA, 5(6), 1652-1666.

Allen, M. C., Kwait, R., Vastano, A., Kisurin, A., Zoccolo, I., Jaffe, B. D., Angle, J., Maslo, B., & Lockwood, J. L. (2023). Sampling environmental DNA from trees and soil to detect cryptic arboreal mammals. Scientific Reports, 13, article 180.

Allen, M. C., Lockwood, J., Robinson, O. (2023). Integrating habitat models for threatened species with landownership information to inform coastal resiliency and conservation planning. Environmental Conservation, 50(1), 31-39.

Peterson, D., Allen, M. C., Vastano, A., & Lockwood, J. (2022). Evaluation of sample collection and storage protocols for surface eDNA surveys of an invasive terrestrial insect. Environmental DNA, 4(6), 1201-1211.

Kyle, K., Allen, M. C., Dragon, J., Bunnell, J. F., Reinert, H. K., Zappalorti, R., Jaffe, B. D., Angle, J. C., & Lockwood, J. L. (2022). Combining surface and soil environmental DNA with artificial cover objects to improve terrestrial reptile survey detection. Conservation Biology, 36, article e13939.

Brzorad, J. N., Allen, M. C., Jennings, S., Condeso, E., Elbin, S., Kays, R., Lumpkin, D., Schweitzer, S., Tsipoura, N., & Maccarone, A. D. (2022). Seasonal Patterns in Daily Flight Distance and Space Use by Great Egrets (Ardea alba). Waterbirds, 44(3), 343-355.

Allen, M. C., Almendinger, T., Barreca, C., & Lockwood, J. L. (2022). A lidar-based openness index to aid conservation planning for grassland wildlife. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 17(1), article 16.

Allen, M. C. (2021). Landfills as islands of grassland biodiversity: placing a next-generation habitat restoration plan in context. Ecological Restoration, 39:284-287.

Allen, M. C., Nielsen, A. L., Peterson, D. L., & Lockwood, J. L. (2021). Terrestrial eDNA survey outperforms conventional approach for detecting an invasive pest insect within an agricultural ecosystem. Environmental DNA, 3(6), 1102-1112.

Valentin, R., Kyle, K., Allen, M. C., Welbourne, D., & Lockwood, J. (2021). The state, transport, and fate of aboveground terrestrial arthropod eDNA. Environmental DNA, 3(6), 1081-1092.

Allen, M. C., & Lockwood, J. (2021). Mapping shifts in spatial synchrony in North American grassland birds to inform conservation planning. Conservation Biology, 35(3), 1029-1038.

Allen, M. C., Lockwood, J., & Burger, J. (2021). Finding clarity in ecological outcomes using empirical integrated social-ecological systems: a case study of agriculture-dependent grassland birds. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(3), 528-538.

Almendinger, T., Van Clef, M., Kelly, J., Allen, M. C., & Barreca, C. (2020). Restoring forests in central New Jersey through effective deer management. Ecological Restoration, 38(4), 246-256.

Birthisel, S. K., Soucy, A. R., Paul, M., Clements, R., White, A. Eastman, B. A., Errickson, W., Zhu, L., Allen, M. C., Acquafredda, M. P., Mills, S. A., Dimmig, G., & Dittmer, K. M. (2020). Convergence, continuity, and community: A framework for enabling emerging leaders to build climate solutions in agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture. Climatic Change, 162, 2181-2195.

Allen, M. C., M. M. Napoli, J. Sheehan, T. L. Master, P. Pyle, D. R. Whitehead, & T. Taylor (2020). Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (P. G. Rodewald, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. [subsrciption required]

Allen, M. C., Burger, J. & Lockwood, J. (2019). Evaluation of unharvested refugia for grassland bird conservation within active hayfields. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 14(2), article 15.

Barnes, K. B., Ernst, N., Allen, M., Master, T., & Lausch, R. (2018). Louisiana Waterthrush Density and Productivity in Hemlock-dominated Headwater Streams: The Influence of Stream Morphology. Northeastern Naturalist, 25(4), 587-598.

Allen, M. C. (2018). Observations at an unusual urban Tree Swallow nest: an iron snag in an asphalt meadow. Bird Observer, 46, 244-248.

Allen, M. C., Napoli, M., Sheehan, J., Master, T. M., Pyle, P., Whitehead, D. R., & Taylor, T. (2017). Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens), version 2.0. In The Birds of North America (P. G. Rodewald, editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York, USA.

Allen, M. C., Tsipoura, N., & La Puma, D. (2017). Assessing the status of Eastern Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis) in New Jersey. The Peregrine Observer, 2017, 180-185.

Peters, K. A., Mizrahi, D. S., Allen, M. C. (2014). Empirical evidence for factors affecting searcher efficiency and scavenging rates at a coastal, terrestrial wind-power facility. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 5, 330–339.

Master, T. L. & Allen, M. C. (2012). Acadian flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) nest tail structure and function in temperate forests. The American Midland Naturalist, 167, 136-149.

Allen, M. C., & Peters, K. A. (2012). Nest survival, phenology, and nest-site characteristics of Common Nighthawks in a New Jersey Pine Barrens grassland. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 124(1), 113-118.

Allen, M.C. & J. Sheehan. (2010). Eastern hemlock decline and its effect on Pennsylvania’s birds. Pages 232-245 in S. Majumdar, T. Master, et al. (eds.) Avian Ecology and Conservation: Pennsylvania Perspective with National Implications. Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Easton, Pennsylvania, USA.

Allen, M. C., Sheehan Jr, J., Master, T. L., & Mulvihill, R. S. (2009). Responses of acadian flycatchers (Empidonax virescens) to hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) infestation in Appalachian riparian forests. The Auk, 126(3), 543-553.

Technical reports (selected)

Allen, M. C., & Campo, M. (2020). Ecological monitoring and mitigation policies and practices at offshore wind installations in the United States and Europe. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Change Alliance, New Brunswick, NJ.

Allen, M. C., Almendinger, T., Barreca, C., Van Clef, M., & Lockwood, J. (2018). Grassland bird ecology at a future conservation grazing site, Duke Farms: abundance, distribution, reproduction, and predator communities. Submitted to Duke Farms Foundation, New York, NY.

Tsipoura, N., Allen, M. C., Peters, K. A., & Mizrahi, D. S. (2014). Grassland Bird Productivity on Military Airfields in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Regions - Final Report (#11-408). Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

Peters, K. A., Allen, M. C., & Tsipoura, N. (2012). Avian Response to Grassland Management Around Military Airfields in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast - Final Report (#10-381). Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

Lathrop, R. G., Allen, M. C., & Love, A. (2006). Mapping and assessing critical horseshoe crab spawning habitat of Delaware Bay. Center for remote Sensing & Spatial Analysis, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.